Monday, May 16, 2011

Toxic Makeup

I had no idea how dangerous it was to put on makeup in the morning.Did you know that its quite common for there to be harmful chemicals in your makeup.Call me clueless but I seriously thought there were strict laws to prevent us from harsh chemicals that can make us sick in everyday products like makeup.The David Suzuki foundation is bringing light to the fact that these "dirty dozen"harmful chemicals are found in 80% of the most common makeup products.These "dirty dozen" are 12 chemicals that are linked to cancer,reproductive disorders,severe allergies and asthma.These are the products that many women and the occasional man use every day! The David Suzuki foundation is trying to get stricter laws for labeling of the chemicals on these products so we know whats in the products we are buying.Its hard to believe that America spends roughly eight billion dollars a year on cosmetics that could be making us sick. Queen Elizabeth the first died because her own makeup was poisoning her,I hate to think that 408 years later women can still have a similar fate.

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