Saturday, April 30, 2011

Election buzz

When I was tens years old and Canada was having our 39th election I was watching a debate between the main Canadian parties and heard Jack Layton and decided there on the spot I liked him best. Now five years later I don't make such important decisions quite so quickly. But it seems that liking Jack Layton is common among young people sadly for him allot are too young to vote. Yesterday I saw a cartoon on the front of a magazine, it was Jack Layton drawn as a Jack in the box. I believe that cartoon did a good job of representing why young people like him because he's energetic, excited and seems to be happy. He has won allot of young people over, but those young people are mostly too young to vote so the don’t get too involved in politics they just see him and automatically like him. It’s the young adults and teenagers that are interested in politics that really do their research and then usually like conservative or liberal. I thought it was important to mention Jack Layton because of his success so far in this election and explain to any possible adult readers his attraction. I think that the reasons he’s doing well or at least well for a non-conservative of liberal party id that more young people are getting excited about getting out there and voting. Since most young people are attracted to energetic people naturally they are drawn to someone like Jack Layton who they feel is an upbeat politician worthy of more seats. I on the other hand have no idea who I like but suggest to any new voters like my big sister to do more research then he seems like an energetic guy lets make him PM.

Friday, April 29, 2011

And We Complain for Rain?

Somehow I got roped into joining the track and field team again this year, and despite my whining and sighs I dragged myself out of bed early yesterday morning to join my team at a meet downtown. Despite our towels and umbrellas, our trackies and sweats, we were shivering so hard we felt like we were having seizures. The puddles ruined our cleats when we rain on the track, and the wind exhausted us. It was so intense that all school tents were picked up and blown away, as well as the metal-framed socker nets and all the garbage cans on premisis. It was quite miserable, but nothing in comparison to current weather conditions in southern parts of the U.S.
In the past few days 246 people from six states have been killed due to these tornados and their destruction. Hundreds and hundres of houses and buildings have been demolished into splinters, leaving many to rely on shelters stationed by The American Red Cross and the Salvation Army. Tornados are taking 25 mile paths and are reaching enormous speeds currently. A twister that hit north-east of mississippi was claimed to have winds reaching 205 miles per hour, making this the deadliest twister outbreak since 1925, and something we should keep in mind when we complain about the Canadian rain, and miserable track meets.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Right now many people around the world are excited about the royal wedding. Honestly I don’t' really see the attraction its pretty much the same as every celebrity wedding. What has our culture come to when we ignore the upcoming election and the war in Libya to focus on a wedding for two people we don’t even know? For all we know William will never be king or worse he could be horrible. Yet we ignore everything going on and focus on this prince and princess fantasy. Sometimes I talk about things like genocide and famine and people say they just don't want to think about it right now. If not now when! When will we deal with the problems in our world, I’ll admit that allot of the times I ignore the truth but it’s not right. We owe it to the world to watch the world vision commercial get up and do something about it. We should look at a Greenpeace campaign and not only be inspired for a minute but for a lifetime. Every generation says this will be the generation to make change but the truth is everyone generation has to. We can’t pretend our issues are just another TV program that’s not real, it is real and it is time we as people stand up and make a difference.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ring, Ring...

The first ever telephone town hall mettings started today in Surrey BC at 6:30 (pacific daylight time.)
The provincial government wanted to hear the thoughts of citizens about the HST and ways to improve and change it according to the public. So, today every phone number listed in Surrey got a call (at 6:30) where they were asked if they wanted to participate, follow the promts, or hang up. This also gives the public a chance to ask the finance minister of BC, Kevin Falcon, questions regarding the new tax and tax policy in BC.
This method and technology will be used all across BC between now and May 12th, in order to connect with thousands and thousands of people. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Obesity Epidemic

I read an article on CBC news today about an obesity epidemic demanding government attention. It said” Canada’s obesity epidemic needs legislative approaches such as taxing junk food, setting standard portion sizes and nutritional labels, and banning trans fat,” Basically researchers feel that obesity has become such a large problem in Canada that it is now necessary for the government to get more involved. Researchers say that obesity will pass smoking in preventable mortality. I don't know about you but that scares me to think of all the harmful chemicals in cigarettes yet obesity will pass smoking in death tolls. The results of an unhealthy diet are heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes and many other illnesses.
Many people don't understand how common and severe these illnesses are as a result of unhealthy diets. I personally know how hard it is to struggle with weight and trying to improve your diet and it is much harder than people think. I think the government getting more involved would be beneficial to all those who are struggling or have given up.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Bunnies, Eggs and Gum Disease

I hope you guys all had a wonderful Easter, and a relaxing long weekend! Mine was filled with a bunch of family get togethers, and I am filled with a bunch of chocolate! Track practice tomorrow morning should insure that I won't be rolling into school this week, but I need to focus on my teeth especially!
All the sugary junk we had over the holiday can really cause damage to our mouthes. Sugar is a major contributor to tooth decay, which affects 84% of teenagers, as it is ultimately acid exposed to our tooth enamel (which protects our teeth.) We can minimize this problem by eating less sugar of course, but also when and how we eat it, such as:
-Eating suagry or starchy foods with a meal! This is less harmful then eating them alone due to the increased production of saliva, which helps to wash away the sugar and bacteria.
-It's always important to brush your teeth (with flouride toothpaste) after meals, and sugary treats, but especially before bed time because we don't produce as much saliva when we sleep (you do remember from the last point that saliva helps wash away sugars and bacteria right?)
 -If you don't have the chance to brush your teeth after treats rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash or even chew gum (sugarless gum of course!)
-We all need to check up with the dentist at least twice a year, but if we take a few precautions, we shouldn't need any more! 


And of course, because I am not a dentist, thanks to:
Lisa A Goss RDH, BS, and Charlie J. Inga, DDS. "Taking Care of Your Teeth." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Oct. 2008. Web. 25 Apr. 2011.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Poop Changing Record

Accomplishments in the Guinness World Records include most apples picked in eight hours (15830 lbs, by George Adrian in the Unites States), the largest company mascot (Duracell has six 12.6m tall bunnies) and longest ride on a theme park attraction (24h 19min on a ferris wheel, by Blaine Martin in the United States)  Today parents worldwide were trying to make their mark.
Over 10,000 people in 30 countries and 400 events, were included in the attempt to make the Guinness World Records for simultaneous cloth diaper changes. Officials are still reviewing photographic documentation before announcing the results.
 Although this event was to make a record it was more so a way to bring awareness and draw attention towards cloth diapers. In Canada over four MILLION disposable diapers are put into landfills each day where they decompose  s l o w l y .  This is about 1.7 billion, 250,000 tonnes, a year. Not only are cloth diapers a lot more environmentally friendly, they`re also waaay less expensive, they`re about $500 a year, rather than $2500 - $3000 for disposable diapers. It`s another way to be eco and wallet friendly!
Hopefully in years to come, this record will be one we can beat.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day!So heres some green ideas!

1. walk,bike,carpool or use public transit local food organic food used clothes from the library
6. read from ebooks
7.use compact fluoracent bulbs less meat
9.wash clothes in cold water
10.hang clothes to dry
11.install ceiling fan
12.take short showers
13.use natural cleaning products
14.donate gently used items time if your looking for electronics choose energy efficient ones

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Haiti: The Latest Leader

Michel Martelly, a popular singer and politician, was declaired the winner of the Hatian presidential elections today.  Elections intended for February 28, 2010 were greatly postponed to November 28, following the January 2010 earthquake. When no canidates recieved over 50% of the votes, a run off election was called in order to produce a majority government. This included two canidates, Mirlande Manigant and Michel Martelly, who won with nearly 68% of the votes. However voter turn out was barely 23% of all Hatians.
Martelly is to be officially sworn in as president on May 14th. His future plans include adressing the issue of land ownership and relocating 700, 000 people out of makeshift tents into permanent housing
He tweets: "Let us pick up our tools and get to work to clean up out country"

Martelly's tweets reminded me of another type of cleaning! Spring cleaning!
When cleaning your house we need to try and use biodegradable and environmentally friendly products! Or even better make your own with recipes found through this link:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Protesters In the Pen

Four protesters from Greenpeace were arrested as they occupied the offices of MPP's earlier this morning. New reactors are needed at the Darlington generating plant, which is 70km east of Toronto, and Greenpeace is protesting for the government to cosider environmentally friendly options instead of nuclear reactors. So a handful of Greenpeace representatives went to the offices of the Minister of Energy at nine this morning, chained themsleves together, held up a banner, and began their protest. According to the Press Secretary, officials were willing to talk with the activists. The Press Secretary also stated that the police were not to be involved unless the situation became unpeaceful, however no further information was released following the arrest of the four activists. 

Eco-Note: Check out this link for 100 ways to be green!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Peoples Food Policy Projects

People’s food policy is an organization educating people how their food is produced. They are mostly educating people on the importance of knowing what’s in the food they eat. They are also trying to come up with more natural ways of producing foods. Also to help give people the right to have a say in the food system here in Canada. Both Liberal and conservative had included improving food policies in their platforms. I personally think its scary the fact that half of the time we don't know what we are putting in our bodies. I mean I saw something on the new about certain food colorings making kids hyperactive and possibly violent, I used to work at a daycare trust me hyperactive and violent are the scariest words ever when working with children. All this new information is coming out about chemicals and it’s hard to know what isn’t bad for us anymore. I think as the public we should support the people’s food policy as they help shed some light on what is defiantly a major problem. Also considering many parties have food policies in their platforms it may be a good idea to listen to their plans and see which one will make a difference an let that help you in your voting decisions.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Because Good Planets Are Hard To Find...

Today marks the second day of the annual Earth Week! We are now only five days away from Earth Day on April 22, a global celebration founded in 1970 by Gaylord Nelson, an environmentalist and senator of Wisconsin.  
We should always try to chose environmentally friendly alternatives, but this week especially is a time to focus on greening our lives. It's a time to make new environmental commitments and plans of action. It's easy to get involved in the Earth Day celebrations, many communities have a garbage pick up event, or even local BBQs.
Regardless of your activities be sure to keep the day's message in mind, whether it's simply not using a straw with your drink, taking less time in the shower, or turning the lights off as you leave a room. A short video by yours truly of energy efficient ideas and info can be found at a link here
We can all make a difference, this Earth Day make it a positive one.

Teenage Stress

Are teens today under to much stress? We have homework, school, jobs, chores, volunteering, clubs, sports and extracurricular. An article came out today in The Globe and Mail about teenagers under massive amounts of stress. The article quotes teenagers who talk about lack of sleep and social life. Some of these teens are in their last year of high school and some are in university. Today teens are under more stress then ever, for some there isn’t a free moment in the day. You know there is a problem when our backpacks are so heavy we are getting back problems at the age of sixteen. Our bodies are designed for being active all day not sitting in a classroom for seven hours then going home and spending another three hours doing homework at a desk. For some who are in grade twelve in science and math programs they do allot more than just three hours. Not to mention if you want to get into a good school all of your extracurricular like school teams, student council, clubs and volunteering. Some kids have no time during the week with everything their involved in and some adults have the misconception that we have fun in all our extracurricular activities. What’s fun about going to class then spending your whole lunch making posters, selling stuff or playing chess when you could be eating doing hw or god forbid spending time with your friends. Emma as you know does this blog with me on top of being a great student, having a demanding job, training for a twenty-three kilometer marathon, our YouTube channel, lot of clubs and much more. I have actually seen the girl running around our school with a cold going from club to club doing work for them. I got to say it’s pretty impressive I mean she deals with my lazy butt every day. We are only fifteen I can't imagine the grade twelve workload. I personally think way to much pressure is on us I mean it makes me laugh when adults say don't be so stressed you don't have to know what you want to do now except for the fact that you have to have a pretty good idea or your screwed if you don't have the right courses. So you decided to drop French but you want to go into politics oops you should have thought that earlier. So you switched to mixed math because you were told all arts programs only needed mixed three math but you find your dream arts course and shocker its not needed but highly recommend you have academic four math. So in other words no matter what adults tell you its best to pile on the work load starting in grade nine to keep your options open summer school recommender. Yes we are under allot of stress, it sucks that we get to work hard for four years only to go to harder school then get a job. My sister is an executive student council member, caption of the cheerleading squad, has a busy social schedule and is taking every science and math. She got pneumonia because she didn't have time to take care of her cold; she was so sick and still couldn’t get a break from her teachers. There are television shows when teens fake sick or pray to be sick to get out of school, how unrealistic if you get sick you deny it to the point of near death to avoid missing school and falling behind only to never catch back up again. The students you see who don't try have merely given up the fight or have fallen pray to stress which can lead to weight gain, drinking, drugs, electronic obsession and god forbid failure.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gas, Gas, Gas

A good handful of my friends have gotten their G1s within the past month or so, and have had great fun driving to and from school! They`re legal just in time for the great weather, and a raise in gas prices!
Gas prices are currently $1.37 in Vancouver, $1.35 in Montreal and are averaging $1.32 in Toronto. Fuel in the United States is becomming more expensive as well, but is still less expensive than Canada`s at $1.02 (Canadian) per litre. Prices are said to continue to rise at midnight tonight, inching closer to the all-time high of $1.42 a litre in September 2008 during a hurricaine in the Gulf. It has been stated that current gas price spike conditions are relevant to the current conflicts in Libya, and in part, the higher demand for fuel in North America.
Luckily for us however there is this new invention called the bus! Or better yet those things at the end of your legs!

Eco-Note: Protect your gas money! Protect the environment! Read the line above!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) has been helping the Libyans effort. NATO is a large group of democratic countries from Europe and North America. They having been a great help but now are creating problems. The countries within NATO are disagreeing on the extent they should be involved in this civil war. President Obama is reluctant to send in U.S warplanes to attack forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi. NATO's foreign ministers are presently in Berlin trying to come to a decision on their level of involvement. As I said before in a previous article The U.S have already put a lot of money into Libya and have been active in helping protect Libya’s citizens, so it is understandable that they would want to stick to protecting instead of attacking. The Foreign minster of Canada said that Canada is going to become more actively involved and the French foreign minster is encouraging the U.S to do the same The question is how involved do we want to be, how involved do we need to be and will an attack on forces loyal to Gadhafi be successful.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Former President Behind Bars

Although he has been in hospital since tuesday after suffering from heart complications, Hosni Mubark, the former president of Egypt, is being detained by police for a period of 15 days. Once he is out of intensive care, where he now is under police protection he shall join his two adult sons, Gamal (a senior official in the ruling government party) and Alaa in prison. At the moment investigations into accusations of corruption and abuse of athority are underway.
Eco-Note of the day: COMPOST! 75% of household waste comes from organic matter, most of which is compostable. Not only would this be cutting down on landfill waste, but composting encourages aspects of the environment such as earthworm activity, filtration in air and water in the roots zone of trees and soil structure.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Today the leaders of the four main parties Bloc Quebec, Liberal, Conservative and NDP took part in a heated debated. To give you a brief idea of what happened Layton was catty, Harper was getting beat up, Duceppe was boiling over and Ignatieff didn't come off to badly. I don't want to make Ignatieff look the best or anything I mean I'm fifteen and even I saw how he was playing for the French Canadian vote and cuddling up to Ignatieff. I got to tell you for those who missed it I think your better off then the rest of us, you can just hear the highlights instead of watching the whole painful thing I mean it was like watching a bunch of teenage boys face of in the cafeteria without all the physical violence. When Layton said to Ignatieff why should you be PM you have missed seventy present of the voting in the house this year I was like wow that was like a your mama diss ouch! The whole hour was horrifying by the end of it I thought wow everyone is going to be racing to the polls to vote for one of these men, yea right I bet no one could hear half of what they were saying they were screaming over each other. I could go into all the B.S I heard from practically everyone one of those leaders but that wouldn’t make me any better then them. I will say I did like Ignatieffs bit on immigrants not to be categorized into groups but just be Canadian citizens and how we should focus on giving them equal rights. I also like Layton’s talk of increasing immigration not just temporary work visas. To tell you the truth I didn't agree with much of what Duceppe said but I give him props for pulling himself back together after he got upset. Harper did quit well considering how much he got yelled at and how he was blamed for all Canada’s problems. I got to say what I could understand was pretty beneficial to me but sadly if you want to know what happened you will have to bear it yourself or get a more educated person to re tell the events I wouldn’t warn to give you false information. To those who are voting I urge you to watch it and for those who are to young it’s still quite entertaining if you like horror films.

Monday, April 11, 2011

In a Village of 100

Term two of semester two is nearly finished. My last project for civics has been handed in, and by the end of the week the class will turn into careers.
As I was cleaning out the subject's binder I came across a paper that I really had to share with you all:

If we could shrink the earth's population to a villiage of 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same it would look something like this:
There would be:
57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 from the Western Hemisphere (both North and South)
8 Africans
52 would be female
48 would be male
70 would be non-white
30 would be white
70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian
89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual
6 would posess 59% of the entire village's wealth
80 would live in substandart housing
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would be near death
1 would be near birth
1 would have an education
1 would own a computer


Eco-Note: Turn the tap OFF when you brush your teeth!
When a faucet is left running for a minute it usually produces six litres of water.
According to We Are What we Do this means that the average family wastes 35,000 litres of water per year, and that your street could fill an Olympic sized swimming pool annually!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Anti-Niqab Law

Tomorrow a new law comes into effect in France banning Muslim women for covering their faces on the street, public transportation and in government buildings. I have been told that Muslim women wear the Niqab because then men cannot judge them on their looks. All they can see are their eyes and the rest is hidden, I've been told that their families don't force them into wearing Niqabs.Some women say they wearing the Niqab is liberating they know they won't be judged on their looks. The only thing these women can be judged on is their personality and the sound of their voices. Its kind of beautiful if you think about it.  France is making it clear that this isn’t prejudice against the Islam religion but many people are unconvinced. The fear is women will refused to stop wearing them and then will be arrested and will create more problems. Only time will tell what happen hopefully this law goes smoothly.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Not your average car wash

I absolutely adore car washes. I mean those flappy rubber things are always terribly exciting, but I love all the water making water falls down the car's windows. However this makes it pretty hard to see, and is quite dangerous in real driving conditions. Now only imagine if the water were sand and you were on the freeway...
A freak sandstorm killed eight drivers and injured 130 people yesterday on an eastern Germany freeway. Due to lack of visibility in both directions, over eighty vehicles crashed with one another, and were later set on fire after chemicals on one truck created a spark. Currently tewnty one people are still in hospital, some with quire serious conditions, but all are hoped to make a full recovery.

Eco-Note of the day: When you do need to wash your car go through a car wash!
Washing your car by hand in your driveway, or in a coin-wash station uses a lot more water and energy!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

And the Quakes Continue...

Yet another earthquake shook northeast Japan today, adding to the current havoc.
This quake was reported to have a 7.4 magnitude, which is the largest aftershock thus far. This caused a power outage in certain regions, and also lead to a tsunami warning (although this was lifted later on in the day.) No further damage to the Fukushima nuclear power plant has been discovered, but the reactors are all being monitored greatly. Injuries have been reported this far, but no deaths thankfully.

Eco-Note of the day: only fill your kettle with the water you need. If everyone did this we could save enough electricity to run ALL the street lighting in the entire country.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Harper is the new bieber

Stephan Harper is the new or should I say old Justin Bieber.Harper song Imagine by the Beatles as a duet with YouTube star Maria Aragon. Harper has been talking about trying to get the women’s vote and I think he’s found his angle. I got to say singing for a video that he new would be everywhere wasn’t exactly what I thought he would do for the women’s vote. I got to say watching the video made me think are people going to loose respect for him and not take him seriously? To be straight with you it had the opposite effect on me I mean how many politicians would risk embarrassing them selves like that. I don't know about the rest of the world but the video made me laugh, made Stephan Harper more likeable and made him seem real. I personally think it was a success for his campaign it at least got me to like him more, except for the fact that I can't vote it was a success. Props to the people who do his publicity if it was their idea it a good one. My favorite part of this was Harper looking good without acting like a petty teenager whose bashes opposing part leaders.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where's Weiwei?

In art class today we finished up our clay gargoyles and handed in previous projects. We planned our next assignment, we talked about new techniques, and missing artists.
Ai Weiwei is an internationally acclaimed Chinese artist, who is best known as a designer of the Bird's Nest Stadium of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Lately however, he has been known for his critique of the Chinese government.
This past Sunday morning when trying to board a plane at a Beijing airport, he was stopped and taken away in police custody. Not only has his affiliates been called for questioning, but computers, documents, disks and hard drives have also been seized from his studio within the past few days. Weiwei is still currently detained, but no specific information regarding where or why have been released.

Eco-Note- I'm really hoping that by now a bunch of you have tried to cut back on your plastic water bottle intake in order to switch to a more environmentally friendly canteen, right? (YES, is the answer I'm looking for...) Well what if we apply this to juice boxes and pop too? To minimize the need for waste, we can put our juices for lunch in water bottles for our lunch bags, this way we can buy in bulk to minimize packaging materials!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Today I went to a volunteer appreciation banquet for PLASP and after school daycare program were I am a volunteer. Mayor of Mississauga Hazel McCallion and head of Free the Children Craig Kielburger gave speeches about the importance of volunteering in and out of our communities. I found it very inspiring and decided to write a post to inform you on how you can get involved. First you can ask your friends, family or your school. You can go on to your cities/communities website to find if there are any volunteer spots needed to be filled or you can go to public places like your library or recreational centre. If you live near a park or March there is probably an annual cleanup, which is a great way to get your hours, be good to our environment and make your community more beautiful (if you live near the Rattray marsh in Mississauga Ontario our cleanup is this Saturday). There are even trips to other countries were you can build schools, parks medical centers and much more. You can go to places like Kenya, India and Ecuador and volunteer with organizations like hero holiday and Free the Children. Whether your helping a child find the library book their looking for or handing out shoes to children in a developing country your still making a difference as a volunteer.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Types of Cracks That Elmers Can't Fix

Eighteen minutes into departure from Phoenix, Arizona to Sacramento, California, a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 had to make an emergency landing due to a five foot crack. The plane was flying at 36000 feet when a "seam" of the plane began to rip, and the cabin began to depressurize. As a result of the tear the pilot planned to turn back to Phoenix to land, but decided on an emergency landing at a military base in Yuma, once travellers could see blue sky through the ceiling. Travellers complained of ear pressure while onboard, but after landing everyone was shaken but otherwise perfectly fine.
A smaller rip is having a larger impact however, on the other side of the globe.
A 20cm crack in a pit of reactor two of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant of Japan, is causing radioactive water to be released into the ocean. As a result of this, it is being contemplated that the evacuation zone surrounding the plant should be increased. Workers of Tokyo Electric Power are currently trying to mend the crack with a seal of sawdust, shredded newspaper and a form of plastic. Officials still say that it may take several months untill the leaks cease all together, and the cooling system is restored.

Eco-Note: Now that spring has sprung GO OUTSIDE! Forget about your treadmill or your elliptical which can use a lot of energy (not only yours, but electric energy) take advantage of the fresh April weather and the running trails around you!

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Song to Sing

I can't stop singing. I have this song stuck in my head, and it just comes belching out every few minutes. Most of the time this drives me completely bizonkers, but I'm actually loving having this song and it's message going through my mind. For those of you who are not telepathic, the song I'm thinking of is called “You, Me and The Bourgeoisie” by The Submarines. A bourgeoisie is actually a member of middle class, and this is the basis for the song. It's all about how we here in North America have so much, and how we're so blessed, but we still are looking for more. We are large consumers, always looking for “the next big thing” and material things in general. The song continues and goes on about finding love and light in a less materialistic style of life, something we all need to do.
“Here I am with all the pleasures of the first world
Laid out for me who am I to breakdown?

Everyday I wake up,
I choose Love
I choose Light
And I try, it's too easy just to fall apart

Oh my baby don't be so distressed
Were done with politesse
It's time to be so brutally honest about
The way we know we long for something fine
When we pine for higher ceilings
And bourgeois happy feelings

Plastic Bottles
Imported Water
Cars we drive wherever we want to
Clothes we buy it's sweatshop labour Drugs from corporate enablers
We're not living the Good life
Unless we're fighting the Good fight
You and Me just trying to get it right

Love can free us from all excess
From our deepest debts
Cause when our hearts are full we need much less”

You can listen to the whole song at a link here  And I sincerely hope it get's stuck in your head too. This is a message that needs to be spread around.
ECO-Note of the day: Support greener energy when listening to your music. The radio stations 99.9 and 97.3 are Bullfrog powered, 100% renewable energy!