Sunday, May 22, 2011

Banning Hugs

I have a pet peeve of when people see the negative of good things and their outlook ruins it for everyone.That is exactly what schools are doing in Canada,The US, and Britain they are actually banning hugs.When asked for a reason many schools had a similar answer this is on that is from The Globe and mail,"that extended embraces are a gateway to make-outs and sex in the halls, or that they choke corridors and distract in class." Really?!We are taught as young children hugs are good but as soon as we hit puberty we are no longer able to hug the opposite sex, what kind of message does that send out.These schools are trying to stop public displays of affection by banning everything including hugging but the only thing they are really accomplishing is making hugs into something sexual which they are almost always not.Its not just co-ed hugging but also hugging your best girlfriend is not even aloud!Way to make it all dirty administrators now teenagers all over North America are questioning the Innocent hug.I'm a high school student and I know for a fact that hugging and kissing at school is not what jams the hallway its groups standing around and talking.Yes occasionally people will make out in the hall and in if a teacher wants to go up and tell them to stop all power to you but a hug,are they serious!My favourite part of this is the sex in the halls bit,what school do these administrators work at it sure isn't mine people don't even have sex in the bathroom!For people out their who haven't been to high school in awhile or haven't gone yet there is no sex in the hallway!Most teacher close the doors in class and its not people hugging in the hallway that distract us its our fiends hopping up and down mouthing check your cellphone.Whoever said that quote are they even working in high schools at all? Imagine sex in the hallways jeez sex in the hallways were do they come up with that stuff and they say teens are sexual!I absolutely think this no hugs in school thing is ridiculous.It seems to me that administrations are two lazy to walk up to two kids making out which happens like once a month tops FYI and say hey you kids cut that out! Or heaven forbid they could just walk by and ignore it!Let us have our hugs!!!

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