Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Unfriend coal

I know a lot of teens love facebook and almost all use it. I think you would agree that teens are on it at least once a week if only for a moment, you would probably also agree that liking something is easy. So if liking something is so easy why not go onto face book and like face book unfriending coal. What is that? It is a campaign started by Greenpeace an environmental organization to get facebook to go green by earth day on April the 22nd.Why? As I'm sure all of you know coal is a form of generating electricity that is harmful to the environment, and it powers facebook. What’s the big deal you ask? Over one if four Canadians not Canadians teenagers all Canadians have facebook that’s alot. Think about how much power that is now imagine how much of a difference using clean energy would be. Alot of people in the world don't do the easy simple things to help save our planet because they don't see the bigger picture, lead by example do the little things like unfriend coal on facebook.

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