Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Budget Cuts

It was announced that for the first time in Canadian history our government will not be spending more than the previous year. What programs is money being taken away from?Environmental,cultural and social programs. I understand that with the problems with the economy budget cuts may be needed, but is it really necessary in these programs? This year in my Canadian history class we learned what makes our Canadian identity. Cultural diversity and acceptance. Social care.preserved nature. The government couldn't have sent a clearer image of were its priorities lie.For a country that prides itself on encouraging and nurturing different cultures why are we taking needed money from these programs that do just that? Our social care programs like financial aid,child care,Canadian pension plan,disability pension, maternity benefits and many other programs are so important and make us who we are, Canadians. We are looking at a twenty percent cut to environment Canada, thirty-one to substance and waste management and fifty-nine percent cut to climate change and clean air programs.With all the effects of Global warming becoming such a scary reality why are we spending less when we should be spending more?
It seems to me that with saving money we are on the road to loosing ourselves as Canadians.

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