Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Poop Changing Record

Accomplishments in the Guinness World Records include most apples picked in eight hours (15830 lbs, by George Adrian in the Unites States), the largest company mascot (Duracell has six 12.6m tall bunnies) and longest ride on a theme park attraction (24h 19min on a ferris wheel, by Blaine Martin in the United States)  Today parents worldwide were trying to make their mark.
Over 10,000 people in 30 countries and 400 events, were included in the attempt to make the Guinness World Records for simultaneous cloth diaper changes. Officials are still reviewing photographic documentation before announcing the results.
 Although this event was to make a record it was more so a way to bring awareness and draw attention towards cloth diapers. In Canada over four MILLION disposable diapers are put into landfills each day where they decompose  s l o w l y .  This is about 1.7 billion, 250,000 tonnes, a year. Not only are cloth diapers a lot more environmentally friendly, they`re also waaay less expensive, they`re about $500 a year, rather than $2500 - $3000 for disposable diapers. It`s another way to be eco and wallet friendly!
Hopefully in years to come, this record will be one we can beat.


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