Thursday, June 7, 2012


So this is the situation I have been too busy to write on the blog and Em has been also very busy.The thing is I am sticking to the 45 days of health post eating healthy and exercising, but with exams coming and the teachers piling on the work I just can't blog.Therefore we will start back up with the forty-five days of health August 1st as I will be traveling all July. For those of you who are going through exams good luck and have a great June and July.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sorry Guys

I am sorry that I have not wrote since the forty-five days of health post things have been crazy. I know that's no excuse so I am ready and pumped to get back into the blog and to start my healthy lifestyle journey with all of you. Sorry I can't write more have a goodnight there will be a post Thursday night.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

45 Days of Health
For the next forty-five days(there may be a few nights when I can't post) I will be posting on Nutrition throughout the world.I feel that this is a great way to get back into our world/Canadian issues blog since this is a HUGE issue.This issue is a problem in both developed and underdeveloped countries but for different reasons.In developed or developing countries obesity is becoming more and more common. America has the highest obesity rates at 30.2% of their population.Thirty decimal two percent imagine that, that's 94 100 757.726 people walking around who are obese not overweight but obese! That's insanity!Canada is not free from obesity either it is number 11 for obesity with a fast growing 14.3% of our population.These are countries full of wealth able to keep all of their citizens healthy and yet so many are overindulging.Then we have people not getting enough food or even having the option to get it.The only food that is available to many developing countries just cannot even come close to filling a human beings nutritional requirements.The worldwide nutrition crisis facing us in malnutrition both over eaters and under eaters are facing this largely under rated issue. I am a sixteen year old girl with all the opportunities to be healthy unlike most of the population but I am not healthy. I do not fall under the category of underweight or obese but that does not mean I am not affected I am part of this crisis and you may be too.I am fifteen pounds overweight therefore this 45 days of health applies to me.Believe it or not you don't have to look unhealthy by being overweight/obese to be unhealthy slim or skinny people can be not getting what their bodies need as well.So many of us are not eating well especially our generation and it needs to stop here just because you are slim DOES NOT MEAN you are healthy.That is not the main measure of your health you know if you are healthy if you are eating right and exercising at LEAST sixty minutes a day.Some of you may be thinking well I walk to and from school and that's like 60 minutes ,no that does not count if you are only doing light exercises you need to do it for longer.I'm not here to lecture as I have this problem as well I am here to learn with you.Every day i will be doing research on health and fitness and posting tips for you.I also will be writing abut effects and statistics of nutrition deficiencies.I will be also talking about hunger in many places all around the world and what you can do to help.These next 45 days I will not be a hypocrite I promise you that I will be exercising and eating healthy right along with you if you choose. So join the healthy lifestyle pledge for 45 days and maybe at the end you may have many some healthy permanent lifestyle changes.